Sunday, April 25, 2010
Updates and what nots
So I was unable to run in the 5K Race for Relief yesterday, I needed a day to relax and I was able to get that. I have been walking at work when I get the chance but have not been able to run because of a busy schedule. Last night however Michael and I went out and he finally bought the bikes that he has been talking about for the last 7 months. So we will be riding on the greenbelts in Austin and San Marcos. This will help in my endurance and in my training and will also allow me to not get burnt out on running only. I think that it will be a good thing. As far as running and 5Ks I will be in the Front Porch Days on May 2nd so that will be fun, I am going to try to train as hard as I can this week so I will be able to run as much as I can. Also in July I am starting a jogging class that will really help with endurance and training. Today is going to be a relaxing day we are going to go to a ceramic place and then possibly riding the new bikes so it should be fun, then it will be school work, as of right now I only have 14 weeks until graduation. If you see me around wish me luck on training, and if you would like to train with me just let me know.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Miles to go, people to see, thanks to be given...

Well I registered for 2 5K's in a matter of 36hrs. I am going to be solely walking a 5K this weekend April24,2010, San Marcos TX. This is not only a great way for me to get a feel of 3 miles without stopping but the money goes to a great cause. This 5K's proceeds are going to Race for Relief, which sends money to impoverished nations such as Uganda. I am looking for a walking partner to do this 5K with me. It won't be to hard. I am going to walk tonight in San Marcos to get a feel for the time that I need to be able to complete the 5K on Saturday.
Other than running things have somewhat calmed down for the moment, however I am thinking that I am in the eye of the storm because life is surely to get busy with everything that is due soon. As well all of the events that I have and work somewhere in the middle of all of this. It will be over soon and that is somehow bittersweet to me.
I am reaching the last few weeks of my final full semester of college. After May 11th I will only have 7hrs to complete to obtain my college degrees. I feel that is a life achievement so many years in the making. There are so many people that have helped me get to this point, My family are my biggest fans and my best supporters. They gave me everything that I have and have made me who I am. That sounds rather gushy I understand but it is true. Also through my 17 and half years in school I have made dear friends along the way who have helped me to this point. Those friends know who they are and I know I don't say it enough: "THANK YOU"
I will later give an update on the running and I hope to see my friends and family at the 5K this weekend. Thanks for everything out there.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Long time coming...

Looking at my blog I see that it has been so long since I have written a blog. Thinks have been short of insane in my life currently. School has been tough, and working nearly full time is making it a trying ordeal, however it is very much worth it. On a positive note I have my graduation date: August 13,2010 yes I graduate on Friday 13th, how fitting is that? 13 is my new lucky number, I feel as if alot of my life will start that day, even though I will be hopefully returning back to school shortly after. This is where I hear my mother's voice in the back of my mind saying "I told you so"...basically I have decided that I will be getting a teaching certification for special education. The more and more I work with the MR(mentally retarted) population I realize that I want to be a teacher for this population and try to give them the most oppurtunities and knowledge that I can give. I will be attempting to get into 3 different programs, Teach for Texas, Teach for America, and an online teaching certification program. The Teach for Texas and Teach for America are both programs that allow you to teach for an alloted amount of time and in return they will help you pay to get your certification. I am sincerly hoping to be able to become a participant in those programs because of the difference I will be able to make. That is my desire right now, and then eventually I will be going back to school to obtain my master in Special Education, or my LPC to be a counselor. I feel that I will be able to make a difference in someones life because of this. Other than school and work I have had many other endevors that I am going to be a part of.
Michael and I have registered for a 5K in Kyle on May 2nd. It is the Frontporchdays 5K at Plum Creek. This is going to be my first step in hopefully being able to complete the annual Austin Marathon in February 2011. Also on the lines of being active I am going to be Relaying on May 14-15 at Barton Junior High. I am a team captain and committee member. This is going to be an especially emotional event to me since loosing Jessica last October. However it will be great because of the oppurtunity that it will give others who are fighting and have fought that horrible, disgusting, nasty Cancer. Yuck the word makes me shudder.
It seems as if my life can not get any busier right now, but it does. I have been blessed to be able to get in contact with some old friends from highschool, as well as making a new friends, these wonderful new people are keeping my life busy but keeping it fullfilled. As well I am running around with my family and staying involved in my little sister's life. And there is always Michael who bless his heart just runs around with me, but I think he enjoys my family bringing him in as if he is a part of the family. That is a true blessing for me, because I do value what my family thinks. I believe that my Dad even likes him, which is amazing considering I am his little girl.
Other than the craziness of family, friends, school, work, and life in general I have made a vow that I will be writing more, and I am definetly going to be trying to be more active, in fact Michael and I are planning on getting bikes so we can start biking as well as training for the upcoming 5K and hopefully others. So it seems that in all the swirling craziness of my life that keeps speeding up like a train in a hurry to go somewhere I am pretty grounded and ready to move forward.
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