Advice is something that is not an easy thing to accept, or an easy thing to give properly without seeming as if you have an "I know better then you " attitude. This leads me to my advice giving encounter in a coffee shop recently. I was at the coffee shop, and I could hear two women next to me talking about relationships. Those are the worst things to talk about in a setting where it is not so quiet. Anywho I heard the women talking and one of them was concerned about this person she was dating just leading her on and dragging her for a loop, and yada yada. Well hearing the items she was saying gave me and idea to start this blog about advice, through my personal experiences. It might make you laugh, it might make you cry, but most of all I hope that it makes you think. You don't have to take heed to what I am saying, afterall it is just another opinion out there. Also I will have personal stories of things that have happened to me and I think those will make you laugh. In that I hope that you enjoy.
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