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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rain drops keep falling on my head...

I haven't blogged in a few weeks. It has been very interesting the past few weeks. I was told that I had to have my wisdom teeth removed so I scheduled myself for that surgery. A few weeks ago I was offered a job interview at Victoria's Secret. While I was in that interview I had the American Cancer Society call me for a phone interview. This was a job that I had applied for about 4 months ago and I hadn't heard anything so I had given up hope. Well as I was interviewing for the job with the American Cancer society Victoria's Secret offered me a part time position. I needed the money and Target had told me that my temporary position there was about to be done, so I took the Victoria's Secret job. All the while I was waiting to hear back from the American Cancer Society (ACS).

On Thursday the day of my scheduled wisdom teeth removal the ACS called me and offered me a career job with the company. I was offered the job of a Patient Navigator. I will be working with cancer patients and assisting them in connecting to resources for transportation, lodging, bill pay, and medical. I am super excited because I will finally be able to work and help people. I had begun to feel in a slump again because I was not doing what I truly feel my calling is and that is helping people who can't help themselves.

In other news I found out that a dear friend of mine is expecting her first child. As jealous as I am of her because I really want to be a mommy I am very happy for her and her partner I am sure they will be great parents. Plus I will have a little one I can spoil and then send home to them. On that note Michael and I have discussed starting a family after we are able to buy a house, so hopefully in the next year or so. I can't wait to be a mommy and contrary to what she says I am sure my momma can't wait to be a grandma...she will be a GILF (highly inappropriate I know).

So as of today I am recovering from 4 wisdom teeth removal surgery. I have lost some weight because I can only eat liquids or soft foods. I however do not recommend the wisdom tooth diet, it makes for a cranky Sabrina. Today was good because there was some rain that fell over North Austin, it wasn't much but it was so lovely to smell and hear rain. I am hoping that more of it comes we desperately need it.

I will start my new job on Monday October 3. I am looking forward to it, and looking forward to the adventure that it will bring. I am sure there will be stresses but it will be something to enjoy and have fun with.

Until next time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall, Fires, Friends and Lattes

I woke up this morning to a beautiful fall morning. I was able to open my windows and turn the air conditioner off, something that we have not been able to do since the beginning of May. I took a moment to sit and reflect on everything going on in my life and realized how blessed that I am. I am recently married to the most amazing man every who strives to make me happy and loves me so very much. I have a wonderful family who after everything that we have been through from near death to divorces to new babies we are still happy and thriving. I also counted my blessings that I have my apartment and am not in danger from the wildfires.

On Sunday morning through today (Sept 6). There has been a raging fire in Bastrop Texas. The fire has taken over 500+ homes and burn at least 30,000 acres of land. There have also been other devastating fires around central Texas. I decided that this morning I have been sitting around to long and today was a great day to give back. I gathered clothes that I do not need or do not wear any longer as well as towels that we have around the apartment. I also purchased food and water supplies to be distributed to the fire fighters and people displaced by the fire. I am praying that we get the rain that we so very much need to help extinguish these fires. Thankfully my family and friends in the area of the fires are safe. There have been some small fires that were quickly extinguished today around Northwest Austin. As of now we are safe and sound.

Today was also a day of reconnecting to a part of myself that I felt had slipped away. The ambition and drive that I prided myself on has been hiding it seems since the beginning of summer. This was around the time that myself and my husband decided that the job that I was currently at was not worth the stress and the lack of respect that I was getting. For a brief amount of time I was unemployed, and then began to work part-time at a retail store. I won't put names on here. Working at this place is beginning to take a tole of my moral and self-worth. I had also began to loose ambition and drive to do anything better. For whatever reason today I woke up feeling like there was a purpose for me but not sure knowing what it is. I still may not know what it is but through an old friend I think I might have found something that I can put my heart into, and something that will do more than just get me a paycheck to pay back student loans.

This afternoon I had a meeting with an old college friend about a marketing business that she is in. Just her excitement and the passion she had about this business and for helping others ignited something in me to want to have that passion. I don't know where this might go if I get into this business but I am excited because for the first time in a long time I feel that I might be able to do something great, something that might make a difference in someone's day. I believe that I will be joining Jenny Childress on her FHTM team and began making a life that pays and rather than just paying to have a life.

So much has happened to me in the past few months and it seems that there is going to be so much more happening. I am going to try to keep up with the blog more since I have time. Thank you to those that are close to me and follow all of my ramblings.

A year gone

I looked at the calendar and realized many moons have gone by since I posted last. Here are some things that happened in the last year, I will slowly but surely write a blog about most of these separately.:

  • Pop had his bee accident and is doing well since it.
  • Got a job at a community mental health clinic.
  • Moved into our first place
  • Got married!!!!
  • Life in general.

Life has been a blur the last 6 months or so for sure but so much has happened in the past year and so much is set to happen.

The first life changing event actually happened on August 31, 2010 a day after my last blog post. My grandfather (Pop) decided that he was going to go over to our 20 acres and shred with his tractor. This is something that he had not done in awhile. While he was over at the land he noticed a bee's nest. He parked the trailer and tried to get away from the nest but he fell down. He was down on the ground for nearly an hour before we found him. That day happened to be my last day at Sheib so I had asked to go home early, and being able to was the small miracle that allowed my uncle and I to find him. Pop was in the hospital for 7 days with over 1200 bee stings to his face. He was in recovery for several months at home. If you saw him today you would not even know that this event happened to him. We as a family still count our blessings with him, but he is truly our superman.

Many other events took place over the past year including getting my first job out of college, and eventually realizing that was not the perfect fit for me and quitting that job. I also in this time got married and more to come on that.